Friday, January 21, 2011

Help democracy to emerge as a pure managerial exercise to run the state

Letter to media leaders-9 (Democracy as a managerial exercise, ending its tenure as political drama)

Why should our enlightened age carry on democracy as a political drama instead of utilizing it as a plain tool for managing man’s collective affairs?  Why can not we get rid of its rhetoric and  propagandist deceptions ? Why can’t we bring an end its image as a fight among political parties for government formation? All the rest priorities of nation  falling secondary to the above prime subject matter!

We have a well documented policy document to run the country in the form of our constitution. What are the philosophical, political, psychological and historical needs of a people also stand well documented in the constitution.

What we need is a team to run the country with the best of managerial expertise like  corporate houses run its business, or like constructing a building according to its blue-print plan.  Targets for achievement of each ministry should be prepared with the help of organizations like FICCI or CII, or any of the top management schools in the country. Inexperienced ministers could be trained in the art of delegating responsibilities to his subordinates and bureaucrats. Thus every bureaucrat and minister will have his/her well documented, transparent target for each year. His/her performance could be assessed by the same agencies and monetary incentives could be provided for achievers and punishments for losers.

When administration of the state becomes a managerial exercise, with its responsibilities and pains, its existing glamour quotient will naturally come down. Media persons must stop following them day and night with cameras. This media act was chiefly instrumental in converting country administration into the glamour business of politics. It also has converted these purely managerial  occupations of country governance into a fantastic, parallel world of glitz and glamour, which was  totally unmatched to democratic values  and traditions.

At the end of the term of a government, people will be able to judge the better performers easily when their votes are asked for selecting the new team.

Media also will be able to concentrate more on meaningful social themes when they get free from the routine act of following leaders day and night. Media’s absence will itself distract many leaders from  running after political career. Thus, the wasteful exercise of politics could be slowly eliminated from the scene of country administration.    

Such a shift of priorities will get democracy reinvented into a rational, no non-sense managerial exercise, the sacred purpose for which it was intended for.  

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